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Networking: The Magic of Connections
One of my favorite stories of the benefits of connections in a job search is from a successful business owner. She tells the story of how she landed her first dream job straight out of a college due to a lucky introduction from her aunt. The story goes that her aunt began chatting with someone she had never met while on jury duty and as it turns out, the new friend was hiring in the field her niece was looking into. Her brilliant aunt immediately began talking to this individual about her fantastic niece and ultimately her niece began working there after graduation. How cool is that? I love this story because it reveals the power of connections. Her aunt did not work in her niece’s field, but she had the requisite information, adored her niece and had chutzpah. She was at the right place at the right time and jumped on it. Don’t we all need a friend or relative like that?
One of my favorite aspects of being a coach is watching someone get excited about a new goal they have chosen. The process of defining the goal and figuring out how to move forward is fun and rewarding. Whenever this happens I need to have my sabotage radar activated. Deciding to focus on an important goal or activity is exciting but it can also be scary. The goal can feel intimidating, you could be afraid of the commitment or you could be nervous about what success might mean to you. My job is to help you see when you are sabotaging your success, and this often looks like identifying an alternate (more doable) goal relatively soon after you chose your actual goal.
Family Vacation
My family--parents, brother, sister, their spouses and kids and dogs-- recently got together for a week at the beach. There are too many micro-moments of connection to catalog, but here are a few that I witnessed and make me so happy
The Day I Broke Up with Spanx
When trying on dresses for my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, the employee who was helping me reminded me in no uncertain terms that I must wear Spanx. It was simply not an option. Feeling out of place in the world of fashion, I nodded my head blindly. “Whatever you say” was what it implied. I guess that is what women do, we wear Spanx when we dress up. It sounded uncomfortable, but who am I to judge?
Coffee Shop Bliss (sort of)
Every year we go to the west coast of Florida for a family vacation to visit with family. All year, I anticipate my early morning visits to the local coffee shop. Walking to town with my laptop in a backpack to a favorite coffee shop, sitting outside in beautiful weather and alternating between working and daydreaming. For the 13 months stuck home during Covid, I thought about these coffee shop visits quite a lot.
The Pebble in My Shoe
This morning I started my walk early because it was going to be a hot day. I put on my sunscreen and comfortable clothes and sneakers, selected my audiobook and went on my way. About a quarter of the way into the walk, I felt a small pebble in my shoe. It was annoying, but not painful. I kept walking thinking it wasn't worth the effort to remove the pebble.
Caring for Ivy
Eight months ago, my sweet rescue dog, Ivy, became very sick. After several months of attempting to diagnose her, they finally determined she had lupus and diabetes. My life transformed quickly into being her caregiver: giving her insulin twice a day, checking her numbers, transforming my house to her weaknesses (she used to be the best jumper, now I had to lift her onto the couch and the bed). I was terrified. Would I be able to do all of this? Could I care for her in the way she needed?
Morning CliffsNotes
Working with a client last week, I was reminded of the movie “50 First Dates” with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. My client was telling me about a vulnerable moment she had and how she began to think back on her life “mis-steps”. As I listened to her, I had to make sure I heard her correctly. When I thought about her life I thought of all the good choices she had made and the successes she’d had. We were both looking at the same life through a completely different lens.
50 Lessons I Have Learned in 50 Years
After 50 years around the sun, I have learned a few things. Aging gives the superpower of life experiences and observations. Below is a compilation of 50 things I have learned over my life so far. I hope this list helps you as you live your life and maybe come up with your own list. My hope is that I continue to grow and evolve beyond these 50 years.
Life is stranger than fiction: my mom has always said this and the more I live, the more I agree.
Bravery is in the eye of the beholder. I used to think that I wasn’t brave. But in reality I am just brave about different things. I am fearful and I am brave--as we all are if we look closely.
Jealousy as Your North Star
So many people are ashamed of their jealousies and deny them or push them away. I argue that we should welcome these feelings with open arms. When confronted with a pang of jealousy, ask yourself “What do I want? What do I need? What is my jealousy telling me?
The Beauty of Stories
I love stories. I love watching my friends and family’s stories unfold, I relish in the stories of my clients, I become captivated by the stories in the fiction I read, I watch movies and shows with my family and we share our reactions to the characters’ stories. The stories of my religion pull me in, the story of my country, especially right now, seems of utmost importance.
Our Family Story
My family history is fascinating and we are all becoming more invested in our family history as things like “Ancestry” and “22 and You” become more mainstream. My parents love their family history and sharing the stories of my relatives with me. So many of my relatives had such difficult and demanding lives. So many suffered. Yet they also persevered. My paternal great-grandmother (I called her Mom Mom Miller) raised her younger siblings when she was just 15 years old because her mother died young. I remember her for her green thumb (she could resuscitate any plant) and her delicious chopped liver that we ate on ritz crackers before meals. She lived to be over 100. How did she do it? How did she choose life over and over again even when life seemed impossible?
Just Because It’s Easy Doesn't Mean It’s Not Worth It
During a client session, my client was working on figuring out how to best market her interior decorating business. I mentioned to her that I love her Instagram stories. That she has a knack for putting them together and they are a great way for clients and potential clients to see her amazing work (and her awesome personality). She seemed surprised. She responded that she loved doing those stories and they just came naturally to her. I said, “Great, do more of them”. We sometimes think that unless it is painful, it is not worth it. It is the old “no pain no gain” adage that I despise. Now this client does stories every day and her stories and I look forward to her stories about her decorating adventures every day.
Tips To Stay (Somewhat) Sane and a (Tiny Bit) Productive During this Relentless News Cycle
Getting work done this week has been tough. As soon as I find a flow, my phone pings with more breaking news. The news can’t seem to stop breaking. And I am fascinated and addicted. I cannot believe the events of this past week. The highs and the lows. Staying up late to watch a historical run-off election one night and then watch an attempted coup the next. This is simply not normal. How can you get work done with so much going on in our country?
New Year's Resolutions 2020 Edition
It is hard to believe 2021 is almost here. With it comes a lot of hope, but we also continue to live with uncertainty. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of uncertainty. I want to know when we will be able to hug our parents again, when our kids can go back to school in person and when I can sit in my favorite coffee shop.
Given how much is still up in the air, I am proposing we perform a year-end celebration and preparation that helps provide a little comfort and excitement even in uncertain times.
What Amount of Social Media Use is Right For YOU?
Many of us know the feeling of getting lost in the abyss of scrolling through social media and how it can just make you feel crummy. There is now science to back up these feelings. The findings of a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine show there is now a clear connection between social media use and depression and that the association may be causal. The evidence suggests that we should limit our social media use to under two hours a day.
School is Virtual... Again, Now What?
Many of us have gotten the email over these past few weeks that our kids will be going back to school virtually in the Fall–either full-time virtual or hybrid. Whether you wanted your kids back at school or not, this news is fraught with concerns. Spring was less than ideal for all of us (and this is an understatement). But now we can go into Fall with our eyes open.
My Intuitive Eating Journey
I thankfully discovered Intuitive Eating a year ago—just in time for me to avoid starting yet another diet. You may see yourself in my story. Lord knows too many of us have suffered in our relationship with food and our bodies. Here is a snapshot of my story below.
Unpacking the Mental Load
Mental Load is defined as the invisible work that, in most cases, mothers have that is involved with running a family.
18 Things I Have Learned in 18 Years of Parenting
My daughter just turned 18 and it reminded me of all of the growth I have had these last 18 years. We are all confused and innocent at the start of our parenting journey and there is so much to learn.