Just Because It’s Easy Doesn't Mean It’s Not Worth It


During a client session, my client was working on figuring out how to best market her interior decorating business. I mentioned to her that I love her Instagram stories. That she has a knack for putting them together and they are a great way for clients and potential clients to see her amazing work (and her awesome personality). She seemed surprised. She responded that she loved doing those stories and they just came naturally to her. I said, “Great, do more of them”. We sometimes think that unless it is painful, it is not worth it. It is the old “no pain no gain” adage that I despise. Now this client does stories every day and her stories, and my sister’s stories, are the two IG stories I look forward to every day. The only problem is that now she doesn't have as much time for me and my decorating needs.

A teacher client of mine is moving forward to start a coaching business of her own and she is a natural in front of the camera. It must be a result of all those virtual classes she teaches. As a result, she has already made several videos promoting her business. How many videos have I made for my business you ask? Zero. It sounds like hell to me. When she asked whether she should be writing blogs, I pointed out how effective and EASY those videos were and she should instead keep focusing on that. She seemed surprised. They were so easy that it couldn’t be enough. I explained that videos are not easy for everyone, in fact most people hate making videos of themselves. She should take her natural abilities and push forward. Why make things harder? Writing a blog sounded like work to her while making videos was second nature. You do the math.

A client of mine who is a content writer is looking to work on her personal brand (since we are all CEOs of our own career this is a good idea regardless of whether you have your own business or not). She wondered what she had to offer people. What was her value? When we explored this more she revealed to me that she writes 10 blogs a week EASILY. What??? How is that easy? Apparently, she has a talent. Together we explored her process. How does she come up with ideas? How does she organize her time? What writing tools does she use? This information is so helpful for those of us who are not naturally gifted in this area. When I asked her to think about how she wrote those blogs it took her a few minutes to realize she actually had a process. It was so natural for her. But that process is gold for people like me who write a blog every other week or once a month at most.

What is easy for you? My guess is that it is not easy for everyone. Notice and appreciate what you enjoy and how this translates into what you can offer the world. Not everything has to be an uphill battle to make it worth it. There will still be difficult parts to your career, but if the foundation is easy for you, you will have the energy and the resilience to tackle those more challenging aspects. Don’t belittle what comes naturally, embrace it.

Interested in learning how to play to your strengths and accomplish your goals? Learn more about my coaching services here.

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The Beauty of Stories


Tips To Stay (Somewhat) Sane and a (Tiny Bit) Productive During this Relentless News Cycle