Pay Attention To What You Pay Attention To
There is so much noise out there in the world right now. Fortunately, we have the capacity to curate what we allow into our space. We can protect ourselves without putting our heads in the sand. We can stay informed in a way that works in this moment.
Ask yourself these questions:
-Does tapping into the communal reaction make you feel seen and feel a sense of belonging or does it feel overwhelming and triggering?
-Does staying on top of the news provide a sense of safety or fear?
-Which voices make you feel empowered and which voices make you feel helpless?
How can your answers to these questions impact where you place your attention over the next few weeks/months? For me, I need some space from people who focus exclusively on worst case scenarios. I want to focus on where I should be putting my energy next and the ways in which I can make a positive impact. Here are some small things I have done since the election to help me place my attention in ways that serve me:
Joined Blue Sky—the new alternative to Twitter (X)
Talked to people who are nuanced and educated about the endless breaking news
Scheduled my doctors’ appointments for 2025
Started to learn how to knit and play paddle tennis
Put a timer on my phone to limit access to social media
Ultimately, I know I cannot grow despondent and disconnected from our country’s politics. I need to stay in the ring. And I will…. right after I catch my breath.
How are you dealing with the election aftermath? Share below in the comments.