"Do you mind if I just daydream in my head right now?

My daughter Gabrielle and I decided to take the dog for a walk before she travelled back to her apartment in NYC. We had just returned from a week-long family vacation in Florida. During our walk, I started making conversation (as one does) and she responded, “is it ok if I just daydream in my head now?” It reminded me of something she might have said when she was a little girl when she wanted alone time to just play with dolls or make up a story.

After a lot of family time over a week, where we had a million conversations during meals, walks, swims, drives and hanging out on the couch, I was a bit relieved by her request. The idea of walking in silence and just being in my own head sounded ideal. Together we walked the dog in silence, daydreaming in our own heads. It was heaven.

This is what I hope for in 2024. Magical moments where we can be in relationship with people. Ask for what we need. Show vulnerability. Let people off the hook. Have moments of silence and decompression as well as moments of connection and fun. My daughter sharing her truth, her vulnerability, her needs with me is essential to our relationship as we continue to grow together (and vice versa). Her willingness to be open about her desire for silence allowed me to notice my needs as well and provided an opportunity for me to honor them. Let’s find people who show us how to be vulnerable and appreciate our vulnerability. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Photo by Kevin Martin Jose on Unsplash


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