Tips To Stay (Somewhat) Sane and a (Tiny Bit) Productive During this Relentless News Cycle


Getting work done this week has been tough. As soon as I find a flow, my phone pings with more breaking news. The news can’t seem to stop breaking. And I am fascinated and addicted. I cannot believe the events of this past week. The highs and the lows. Staying up late to watch a historical run-off election one night and then watch an attempted coup the next. This is simply not normal. How can you get work done with so much going on in our country? 

Needing to stay on top of the news right now may feel like survival. Knowing about the latest strains of Covid, staying updated on the status of potential violence, learning about the latest news on vaccine distribution. These are all directly related to our own health and safety. Today’s news is volatile, and very close to home.

If turning off the news is not an option for you, I can relate. Below are some strategies I am attempting to take care of myself and manage to get a little work done in between the breaking news cycle:

  • Get sleep: Go to bed earlier, sleep later, nap, put your feet up. Do whatever you can to get the rest you need. Being overtired just makes everything worse.

  • Stay Informed:

    • Talk to people who are grounded and knowledgeable. For me, I need to talk to people who are staying informed of the facts. My 17 year old son manages to keep a clear head and stay on top of the latest news. I rely on him to keep me sane. Find your source of information that doesn’t add to the drama.

    • Follow people on social media who are in the know and don’t overwhelm you with their own emotional reaction.

    • Stick with one or two news shows -- don’t watch the news 24/7. My schedule has always been Brian Lehrer in the morning and Nicolle Wallace in the afternoon. Can you limit yourself to certain news programs rather than bingeing all day long?

  • Go outside: I know it is cold out, but can you get outside at least once a day? Walk around your neighborhood. Take deep breaths of fresh air. Allow yourself to feel the joy and peace in nature.

  • Eat three meals a day: Don’t just snack all day. Punctuate your day with meals, using mealtimes to connect with your family members who are at home with you or just to have some quiet time by yourself. Turn off the TV and your phone during mealtime.

  • Find your flow: Get lost in a book, a movie, baking, exercising, laughing with a friend. Give your nervous system a break. 

  • Get something done

    • Set reasonable expectations for yourself. Perhaps this is not the time to tackle things that are not time-sensitive. 

    • Put your timer on, shut out the noise, and focus to get what you have to get done, done. Crossing something off your list is a good way to take a mental break from the news cycle. 

    • Choose tasks that are compelling. If you have a choice, choose work that feels appealing right now. Maybe working with numbers feels doable, or writing, or maybe something mindless like cleaning up your email list. Accomplishing something is helpful and will prevent things from piling up too much during this extraordinary time.

    Most importantly, go easy on yourself. Give yourself a break and give others a break. Check in on your loved ones, your neighbors and your friends. We are all finding ways to process the ever- changing news. Supporting our needs will allow us to be there for ourselves and other people. Acknowledging that we need a little extra care is the first step towards finding sanity right now.

Do you want to learn more about how to stay sane while living a full life? Check out my Coaching services.

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